Okay, it's official: The Hannahrama Blogarama has moved to DiaryLand. You'll find it now at http://saellys.diaryland.com. I've just spent the last hour and more transferring all my old posts to the new server. Hope you appreciate all that work. ;^)
Okay, so I backed into my parents' car on Tuesday... I still have no job... and I'm as grounded as I usually get, which means that on select days I can only drive to school and places where I plan to apply. Not that they're hiring or anything, I just apply there anyway. Yay for me.
So no Dublin. No U2 concert. No Coldplay, either. Life is rather sucky. But it's okay, 'cause I'm at Michael and Ben's house, and there's some, uh... entertainment. Unfortunately that involves Sam singing. I'd really like to know how Natalie's doing right now... If things go as planned tonight, she'll be as depressed as I am by, oh, about now.
The one bright spot in all of this is that I had this unbelievably good dream on Wednesday night, and last night's dream was coherent enough to base a very strange short story off of it, which doesn't happen often. (I mean, I can't exactly write about the time that I met J.R.R. Tolkien at Eryn's house, 'cause, well, it never happened. And neither, unfortunately, did Wednesday's dream. Sigh.)
Oh, and another upside is that right after my parents grounded me, they started giving me an allowance. That's never ever happened before. I should get grounded more often.
Anyway. I'm gonna act irritated for the next ten minutes, and then go home. Goodnight, and namar.