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|Brothers and sisters, unite--it's the time of your lives...|

Current Music: Brothers and Sisters, Coldplay (stuck in my head)

Current Thought: The fun I had this evening makes up for the suckiness of my whole week.

Okay, before I begin to describe the indescribable coolness of this evening, I must pass along yet another link discovered on Neil Gaiman's blog: Rob's Amazing Poem Generator. I plugged in this site, and some of the individual lines were just perfect...

How many decimal
places you have? no accounting for the street
to figure I do what does a or so . I
guess set in
my arms around It goes.

Grace is where
is dead grey hairs from in
fact, not to
see much and go biking
around the stuff that I go into some strange
skip church with
me It on cell phone. on!
Saturday, Brittany, Joel, Adam, Clayton
joked that over for ease in my car in
the first of
2004, I
had the stuff 1.

Nobody else
is your blog. of
my fall and not a cell
phone. on!
yesterday, was pretty funny.
Survey Ooh.

get more reason to get real Life is
worth 20 points, that
cool, And we
Taco Bell as a crappy muzak.
Current Thought: got slide film for one
but anyway. Hung
out afterwards I think
the Christian Character to E
Free free,
my glasses on. Friday and
then got a lot of her after all, I
will be leaving four of
that Bible Quiz
but when You have? to
get my Dublin be
taking too
The lake, and
I was hot?
Well, all probably the thrift
store Auf wiedersehen,
and five of an open Mexican restaurant,
collectible U2 EPs
and well,
I want
to and
players. were
out of all
got an hour There which was
in his compassion for

and we
do, with. Natalie MerchantCurrent Thought:
This town. for
the conversation the road. That I
can you use them So yeah.

That's so much fun.

Anyway. Tonight, tonight. Tonight, after arriving home at last from Chicago, I tried to arrange a social get-together with someone whom I thought was my best friend, only to be completely blown off with ridiculous excuses that completely gave away the fact that she didn't want to see me at all. So, happy to oblige, I called Delacey and Brittany, and after a little aimless driving, we decided to head for Eryn's house, where we knew, thanks to an inside source, that several of the youth group guys were having a "secret" sleepover.

Needless to say, it was imperative that we crash it immediately.

So we drove down the main street that leads right to Eryn's house, and about halfway there I happen to glance in the rearview mirror, only to see Eryn behind me with Sam and Kyle and Brian with him. So we arrived precisely when they did, and spent the next ten minutes basking in the hilarity of the various reactions. Brian and Kyle flipped out and demanded to know who told us, but we kept our source anonymous. Sam was fairly irritated (but by no means furious on the Sam Scale of Anger) and called all women manipulative and evil. Eryn was growing more and more uncomfortable by the minute, and we were only in his driveway. The other guys (there were a few more) were generally happy to see us. So yeah. We gave them all something to talk about for the evening.

Anyway. After that we went to Barnes & Noble, and now I'm back home. Home, home, home home home. Yay for home. Now it's time for bed. Bed, bed, bed bed bed. Yay for bed. Namar.

posted by Hannah at 11:32 PM


|Chicago... Tomorrow... Chicago... Tomorrow...|

Current Music: Grace is Gone, Dave Matthews Band

Current Thought: Sigh.

Today was okay, I suppose, if you ignore my parents nagging me to get a job, any job, even if it's a really crappy job. (If Mom mentions Braum's or Papa Murphy's one more time, I'll explode.) I cashed my check from Dayco, closed my nearly-empty savings account, bought some clothes from the thrift store (but didn't meet any opossums), and got slide film for the stereo camera. Got home and chatted with two depressed friends over AIM. I'd like to think that maybe I made them feel a little better, but I never can be sure.

I want to do something tonight, my last night in town before the bliss of Chicago's museums. I'll probably call Del and Brittany soon, and get in contact with Adam, too. They were craving hanging out with me on Saturday, so I expect they'll still be keen to do something tonight.

I really, really, really wish I could stay in Chicago long enough to see Coldplay. Even if it was from the nosebleed section. Just to be in the same stadium with Berryman, Buckland, Champion, and Martin would be indescribably fantastic. But sadly, we'll be leaving four days before they woo the masses with their transcendent melodies. And there's no chance of bumping into them on the street, as they'll be in Denver on the 6th or something like that. Ahh, well. It'll be enough to see some Van Gogh, Degas, and Pollock.

I'll post again in a few days. Namar.

posted by Hannah at 5:46 PM


|I wanna run/I want to hide...|

Current Music: Where the Streets Have No Name, U2

Current Thought: I want to draw, paint, sculpt, write, compose, or do something, anything artistic. Must... express... self...

Okay, the Stuff of the Month is really updated now. Not a day early, though. Sigh.

Anyway. Mom has returned from California, with many trinkets and things leftover from the old house after my grandfather died. There's a nice Minolta SLR camera with a zoom lens, a wall lamp with a built in volt meter that really works, and best of all, an honest-to-God stereo camera that exposes two frames of 35mm film at a time, with binocular lenses that focus simultaneously. It's very 1960s. I can't wait to try it out.

And there are photographs. Lots and lots and lots of photographs. More than we know what to do with. Mom and Dad are going to do a bit of renovation upstairs just so we have a place to put all this stuff. Which means I'll have the old computer in my room for a short time while they paint--and of course I'd just decided that I didn't want it there, after all. I dunno, I might change my mind while it's in there. At least I'll be able to play Age of Empires and Roller Coaster Tycoon whenever I want.

Well, if I don't post tomorrow, you won't be hearing from me for a while, as I'll be in Chicago until late Friday night, exploring the museums and doing Sister Wendy impressions in front of the great masterpieces. ("Wembwandt. Wembwandt is what bwings us togeveh today.") We're driving what is by far the largest artifact gleaned from my grandparents' belongings--the metallic gold Buick LeSabre that Grandma gave us. It's a boat, but the AC works, the windows are tinted, the seats are soft, and it has a CD player. I'll be quite comfortable.

I think I'll take the stereo camera with me. Namarie.

posted by Hannah at 2:30 PM