Current Music: Snatches of whatever happens to pop into my head at any moment.
Current Thought: I'm sick.
Well, I've gone and done it--I plugged Michael's Wandering Star in an e-mail to Neil Gaiman.
Dear Neil,
As I sit in computer class watching a PowerPoint presentation on
Alanis Morrisette, I thought I'd drop you a line and let you know how
much I'm enjoying your blog. Also, for the sake of recommending
links, I'll plug one by a friend of mine. It's Wandering Star, and
you'll find it at
Wandering Star is a web narrative, written mainly in real time, and
it has a bit of an American Gods flavor to it. I thought it might be
right up your alley.
Again, thanks for creating such a wonderful blog and a great
collection of fiction.
(The PowerPoint presentation wasn't that bad, but I've been wanting to e-mail Neil for quite some time, and we were in a computer lab, for crying out loud.)
It remains to be seen whether he will post said plug on his weblog, but he's done it before. And if he does, it means that my site and Michael's will be getting lots and lots of traffic. Here's hoping. Namar.
Well, I've just discovered that this site looks like digital crap on Netscape Navigator. I apologize to all who have to view the Blogarama this way, but you all should really get Internet Explorer, or at least Mozilla, anyway. I mean, really. If I was stuck with Netscape, I'd probably go insane. Everything's different! What are these strange fonts? Why does my page look like this?!
Anyway. Unfortunately Netscape is the only working browser in the computer lab this morning, so I'll just have to deal with it. But there's some happiness to cancel it out--the personnel coordinator for the job I want called yesterday (I missed the call, dangit) and wants to set up an interview. They say they'll probably start me training from 7a.m. to 3 p.m., which would be absolutely fantastic as it would leave msot of my afternoon and all my evenings intact to hang out with friends and go see Ben and Sam's gigs and so on. And I'll still be able to get more than half of my Dublin cash over the summer. Yay for Hannah!
Anyway. Before I sign off, I'll plug Sam's new webcolumn--Pianists and Pilgrims. Everybody go read. It's good stuff.
Current Music: Actually, nothing particular is stuck in my head right now, and there's nothing on the Writing Center stereo. It's kinda liberating.
Current Thought: Yay.
Okay, so I found out yesterday that Dublin in the summer costs half as much as Dublin in the spring and fall, which means: a) I'll have more time to make money, b) I'll have to make less money, and c) I'll be able to coach Bible Quiz all the way through Nationals. And if I get the full-time job I'm shooting for this summer, I'll be able to get most of my money taken care of in the next three months. How cool is that?
Unfortunately, Dublin in the summer is also half as long as Dublin in the spring and fall-- only six weeks, and nine credits. But that's okay. I can deal with that. There's still a trip to Italy included, and six weeks is long enough to see U2 live.So yay! Happiness!
And more happiness abounds--yesterday, at Laura's suggestion, I downloaded WinMX (since my parents made me delete KaZaA because of its ScumWare properties), and discovered that there's a buttload of live concerts and very rare MP3s available for download. I got a U2 New York concert from mid-2000 (in which Bono said something rather odd and slightly prophetic about the crowd being "cooler than a 747 on your front lawn"), and I'm working on the two parts of the Zooropa homecoming Dublin show.
And speaking of Dublin (again), I found out early last week that over 50% of Dublin's population is under 25 years old. How can I go wrong? I'm gonna love that place.
Wow. So many cool things, so little time to tell. First of all, now that Bible Quiz Nationals has been over for two days, I figure I might as well let you know that Tsunami won first place. Yes, that's right. Won. First place. Out of 64 teams. And it was by a margin of 10 points that we finally did it (each question is worth 20 points, to illustrate just how close that was). But what's really cool is this: By the end of Saturday, when we had the championship quizzes, over half the room--that's more than two hundred people--were cheering for us. It was unbelievable.
But then there was even cooler stuff. Godspeed, the only other Springfield team, came in tenth place, which was phenomenal. Charissa from Godspeed was the #3 individually ranked quizzer, out of over 400 teenagers. And a really awesome team won the Christian Character Award, but we found out the next day that Tsunami was just one vote behind them.
So all that was very, very cool. And then we all came home, and the return trip kinda sucked for various reasons, but riding with Marie and Melissa was fun. And yesterday I went to work (after skipping my two morning hours in favor of relaxing at home), and then came back and played guitar and then got an application for the library and went to Natalie's, where I played some more guitar and watched a really bloody awful movie called The Worst Witch, of which Harry Potter is very obviously a blatant ripoff. And then after that Natalie's parents kicked everyone out of the basement and we went over to Linzy's apartment, which is very cool. And I was seriously considering getting my own apartment this summer, since I'd be able to afford it without taking too big of a chunk out of my Dublin money, but then I realized that I'd miss the Internet too much, and then I realized that I'd have no money left for groceries, which are somewhat necessary. So I'll just stay home this summer.
Oh, and some important decisions have been made, namely: Instead of going to Dublin in the spring of 2004, I have decided to go in summer instead, thus giving me extra time to earn the $10,000 I'll need, and also allowing me to coach a Bible Quiz team all the way through Nationals, something I desperately want to do. So it's all good. I'll be in this town for an extra six months or so, but when I finally do get to Dublin, it'll be all the sweeter.
Anyway. It's nearly time for math class, and before that I have to talk to my teacher about meeting with her on Thursday to go over the stuff I missed last week. So I'll be back with more bloggy fun later. Namar.