Current Music: The soundtrack to Powaqqatsi, Philip Glass
Current Thought: See post title.
Last night I dreamt that I dyed my hair blue. I've been wanting to dye my hair blue for the longest time. It looked really cool in my dream.
Anyway. Today was a Bible Quiz tourney, and St. Louis' teams actually came to us this time, instead of the other way around. It went all right. We won some, we lost some. That is, after all, how it goes.
Afterwards I tried calling Sam, who had told Jhan that it was very likely he'd go to the quiz, but never showed up. Sam didn't answer his cell phone. Big surprise. I left a message and told him to call me at home. He didn't. I've tried calling several times since then, but always to no avail. Where is that boy? I'm bored out of my skull and he's off somewhere without his cell phone on! Doesn't he know it's Saturday?
Erm. Yes. Well. I came home in time to greet my parents and their friend, Nancy, who's visiting from Kansas City, before they left for dinner at an Indian restaurant. Then I came in and blasted Coldplay's Clocks on the computer's subwoofer, which sounded fantastic. (Subwoofers rock. Gateway computers rock. Coldplay rocks.) I really need to buy that CD. I really need money to buy that CD. (On a side note, Hannah's Rules For Knowing When You Really Need To By a CD, #18: Spend a weekend driving around with a friend who listens to one CD, and only one CD, the whole time. If at the end of the weekend you still like the CD, buy it.)
In other news, I learned to play Norah Jones' Come Away With Me this evening, which is nice and easy to play, but a little low in my range. I might go back to the transposed, higher version I found online, for ease in vocal flexibility. Both versions sound really good on my Fender, and once I've got Natalie playing piano along with it, I'm sure it'll be just lovely. Now I just have to learn the impossible solo.
Okay, I think that's all I can stand to type right now. Until next time, UP THE IRONS!!! Err, I mean, umm... Namarie.
Current Music: Bullet the Blue Sky, U2 (stuck in my head)
Current Thought: Three updates in one day. A new record, methinks.
When he told me it was true
I could have said something comforting.
I could have reached out to take his hand
Or touch his shoulder or his brow,
Wrinkled with remorse and shame.
I could have put my arms around him
And let him do what he had to,
To cry or scream or beg forgiveness.
I could have and should have done
Any number of things
To show that I still cared, that I forgave him
That I wouldn't hold it against him.
But I didn't do any of those things.
Instead I turned around
And went back inside where there was light,
And I left him outside, alone in the rain.
Current Music: NPR Morning Edition discussion of whether Saddam is dead or alive.
Current Thought: This is cool. People at work are discussing religion. I love when this happens!
It's been a decent couple of weeks. Sunday before last, Laura called and told me that I still had a check waiting at the Popcorn Capitol of Hades. I went in to get it, and it was almost $25. What a lovely surprise. That paid for several things over the week. That Friday was payday for the WC, and I was finally able to pay off my guitar. It's miiiiiiiiiine. My own... my preciousssssss.
Erg, anyway. Don't remember much of the last week except the weekend, which is what I usually remember of the week anyway. Hung out with Natalie and her friends last Friday, and went to a high school art exhibition at the museum, where Janae had a couple photos. Then we went back to Nat's house and played music, and I couldn't sing and could hardly breathe because I had a rib out. But I played guitar a lot and practiced some songs, so it was all good.
On Saturday, I was bored for most of the day, but then I hung out with Sam, Brittany, and Delacey that evening. We went to the park and hung out there until the sun set and the mosquitos started to attack, and then we went to Barnes & Noble and I got an awesome book of photos of Scotland, and we sat around in the coffee shop and took a personality test that was pretty accurate for the first couple of factors, but the last one was totally bogus. It said Sam was a stable, quiet person. Hah. Hah. Hah.
Anyway. Sunday was rehearsal for the church play that I'm in, and that went well. Then we went to Eryn's house, where a bunch of folks showed up and we all watched Addicted to Love and sat around and quoted Homestar Runner. This last week was part crap, part happiness. I'm glad it's Spring Break now. Ben's coming back from Illinois this coming week, so I fully intend to take several days and hang out with him and the usual gang. Unfortunately I'll be at Bible Quiz Regionals on Friday and Saturday, so I'll miss Ben and Sam's gig. Dang it. They were gonna do Yellow, too. And Sam will be singing for the first time at a gig. So suckage.
Anyway. Here I am at work, on the last day before Spring Break, and actually it's already started for me because I have class on Tuesday and Thursday only. Hah! That's right, suckers!
Wow. Now there's like seven people in the WC, and six of them are consultants. Oh, wait, Doug just left. Make six people, and five of them are consultants. Yes, it's the last Friday before Spring Break. Welcome to a college Writing Center. My day will be nice and boring. I'm gonna go over to Natalie's again tonight and play music. This time I'll be able to sing. Huzzah!
Okay, that's all for now. Real Life Poetry to come. Namar.