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|...and I'd like to stay that way.|

Current Music: I'm Sensitive, Jewel (stuck in my head, because, well, see below)

Current Thought: Erg. Slept 'til 1. Sooooo lethargic...

Okay, Michael, so Natalie's guy is one of only two left in the lower 48. We know, you're very sensitive (and you'd like to stay that way). And yes, it's a pity for anyone of the female persuasion that you're unavailable. :^P ;^)

By the way, how come you never wrote me any poetry? Huh? I mean, at least I got a character to myself in Michael's Day of Anarchy, and I'm greatful and all (seeing as I'm one of maybe five people that survived that story, out of a cast of dozens), but where's my sonnet?

*grumble mumble*

Anyway. It's now time for me to mope around the house because I can't go biking around town today because it could become a deluge at any second. Will these blasted storms never cease?


posted by Hannah at 1:27 PM


|Man-- I feel like a woman.|

Current Music: Song from title, stuck in my head. Thanks a lot, Enoch. Oh, and Weezer's Sweater Song.

Current Thought: Umm. Yay.

Well, I must say that Laura's list of superpowers doesn't quite blow mine away... seeing as four of her five choices can also be found in my list, and I wouldn't even want the fifth one. Blades emerging from knuckles are so uncool that they had to cast Hugh Jackman just to balance it out. (And speed reading is not a dorky power, Laura! And I'm sorry, but do you really think Pyro was hot? Ewwwwww... Lousy Anakin ripoff, and they couldn't even cast someone attractive. Not that Anakin was attractive. You all probably already know my opinions on that.)

Now, blades emerging from fingernails, on the other hand... *cracks knuckles*

Anyway. Enough super powers.

Wednesdays are cool. In fact, they're probably the coolest part of any given week for me. I have no school on Wednesdays, and I can sleep really late because work doesn't start 'til 12:30. (Side note: Only two days left for the Writing Center. *sniffle*) And on top of all that coolness, I get youth group in the evening. So yes, Wednesdays are the best.

This Wednesday was decent-- there was some general suckage balanced by much coolness. I won't go into the suckage, except to say that some people are insensitive arseholes who make my life hell. But the coolness was great--Josiah and I had a conversation, the first one in quite some time, and that was lots of fun. And Hannah M. and I discussed how that day should have been National Pick On Hannah Day, on which everyone finds someone named Hannah and screws them over. Start planning for next year, everybody!

Oh, and we also told Natalie how monumentally fortunate she is, and she doesn't even know it. And she was like, "But he doesn't even like me!" And we were like, "Natalie, hon, he ran up a flight of stairs to get you a glass of milk, and you didn't even ask him to." And that was fun, if a little depressing. Why can't any wonderful, sensitive, thoughtful, caring, talented guys go to, say, my school? In fact, I think the guy in question is quite probably the only one of his kind left in Missouri, and perhaps in the lower 48 as well. Good thing I'm going to Dublin.

I think I've got mono. I've been incapable of getting up before 9 a.m. ever since coming home from Nationals. My alarm sounds, and I reset it for half an hour later. Then it sounds again, and I reset it once more. I do that an average of three times every morning. It can't be healthy, and it sure ain't normal. If I'm going to work at 7 a.m. every day (and probably biking there, too) I'd better get out of that habit.

Well, that's all for now. Ciao, and baleeted! I mean, namar.

posted by Hannah at 10:49 AM


|Storm of the Century (don't sue, Stephen King!)|

Current Music: The last thing that was on the Writing Center stereo (stuck in my head)

Current Thought: Neil Gaiman still hasn't posted my plug of Wandering Star. Sigh.

Yesterday was interesting. It all started with church that morning. After the CCC service, I had to go over to E Free (my old church) where they were honoring the Bible Quizzers for their Nationals achievements. And as I sat through worship and then through communion, I found myself thinking about how much the place had started to remind me of U2's Zoo TV tour. Seriously. Strange stuff.

Anyway. After that, I started to drive home, but just before I got there I decided I should go by CCC to see if anyone was still there. And as I drove into the parking lot, Brittany came up and announced that the Mercers were having a luncheon for the college-age group and the graduating seniors. And she didn't have a ride at the moment, so I brought her over, which was turning the tables a bit as, not too long ago, she was the one shipping me all over the place.

But anyway. Off we drove, and hung out at the Mercers for a while. Around 2 or so, I called Sam to see what he was up to, and he said he'd drive out to meet us. Shortly after that, Delacey fairly begged me to go pick up Joel, so she and Adam got into my car and we drove over to his house. And all the way, they were fawning over my car (which really isn't that cool, so don't believe what you hear) and singing along with Jimmy Eat World on my CD player. Great fun.

As we reached a major intersection, we saw two middle-aged women in muumuus on the traffic island holding signs. One said "Win Without War," and I didn't catch the other one. And Adam watched these people, and I could see his fingers twitching. "Man," he said, "what I wouldn't give for a water gun." Then he checked in his wallet. "Wanna go to Wal-Mart?" he asked with a grin.

We picked up Joel, and then I went to the ATM to get some gas money. It happened to be the same ATM where I lost my ATM card back on Valentine's Day (see February 15th's post). And I put in the card and tried it, but it once again refused to accept my PIN number. This time, however, I managed to save my card from digestion by the evil machine, and it was off to Wal-Mart, where Adam was sorely disappointed by the shoddy selection of water guns, and we ended up not buying anything. My card, however, worked at their ATM. So I had to pay an extra $1.50, but it was worth it to keep my card.

After Wal-Mart, I got some gas in the car and we drove back to the Mercer's, where Sam had already arrived. And we hung around there for a while, walking in the nifty fields behind the house and sitting around the living room. (Sam wrote in my journal, but nothing dirty like what he wrote in Natalie's--just some random U2 lyrics.) We mulled over what to do next, then finally went over to Brittany's, where we had just started to watch an episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation when Amy arrived and announced that the worst storm this town has seen in a long time was headed for us, and would be there in about a half hour. There was mention of three tornados, or something like that. So I prepared to head home, and Amy, Brittany and I suggested Sam either come to my house or Natalie's, and not try to drive the half hour out to his house. But, as usual, it fell on rather deaf and stubborn ears. I went home praying that God wouldn't take him out for his bullheadedness.

Once home, I packed a duffel bag (which was mostly filled with CDs and library books that I didn't want to be destroyed) and brought it, along with my sleeping bag and pillow, down to the basement. Then I convinced Dad to get the frogs out of their tank and into a carrying container, which he was loath to do, but his compassion for living things overruled his sense of self-preservation and we spent five minutes scooping them out. Then we sat around with the TV and the police scanner on, and waited.

My house, as I may have already mentioned, is eleven minutes from everywhere in this town. And eleven minutes south of us, at least one tornado touched down, wiping out entire neighborhoods and wreaking mass havoc. Natalie lives down there. The Mc_______s live down there. And Laura lives down there, which worries me because I tried calling her after things had died down, and there was no answer. Nor has she replied to my e-mail, but if the phone lines were out (which they probably are) that would be impossible for her anyway. Laura, if you're reading this, call me!

So things fizzled out. The storm made its way in the general direction of Sam's house, and when I tried calling them, there was once more no answer. Big surprise. So then, around 9:30, Amy called me and said that Sam's parents were calling everyone, trying to find him. And we couldn't find him anywhere. By about 10:00, I was ready to get in my car and drive the thirty miles of highway and look for him but luckily Amy called and announced that he'd been at Eryn's house the whole time. And she added that he was ticked off at all of us for being so concerned over him.

Yeah. That's right. Like it's our fault.

Anyway. I'm stewing over that now, but I'm still happy. Over the weekend I saw X2, which was surprisingly good. And afterwards I made a list of the top ten attributes I'd like to have as a mutant. As per Laura's request, you'll find them below:

10. Indestructibility/Immortality (that's the good, Elvish kind of immortality, not the bad Tuck Everlasting/vampire kind)
9. Teleportation
8. Manipulation of metal
7. Freezing things
6. Burning things
5. Controlling people's thoughts
4. Super senses
3. Cloaking ability
2. Shapeshifting
1. Speed reading (What? It can be a mutant ability!)

So there you go. My definitive list. That's it for me this afternoon; I'm spent. Namar.

posted by Hannah at 10:33 AM