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|Watching history|

Current Music: Classical, on the Writing Center stereo. And God Put a Smile Upon Your Face, Coldplay (still stuck in my head)

Current Thought: I'm at work. Whee.

So I realized after I posted yesterday's entry that I didn't actually say anything about yesterday. Shame on me. Okay. Yesterday was cool. I slept through my alarm (if it even went off) and didn't get up until 9:25. Then I spent a little while trying to figure out whether or not I should go to Sunday school, having already missed church, and I finally decided to have a leisurely morning and not get all stressed out. So I ate breakfast, took a shower, and decided to go to Wal-Mart and buy A Rush of Blood to the Head, since I finally had money.

Off I went. Found the CD, and it was two dollars more than I expected (a shocking $13.88, just a little pricey for Wal-Mart), but when I went to check out, it rang up as $9.86. The cashier (who looked disturbingly similar to an older version of Adam Clayton) joked that he would gladly charge me $13.88, but I demurely declined, and I bought Coldplay's second CD for the same price I paid for their first CD. I love Wal-Mart.

So then I went across the street to Circuit City, where a friend had bought his awesome car stereo CD player for $35 (it was a box return), and I browsed there looking for CD cases and players. Didn't see any unbelievably cheap box returns. In fact, most of their CD players were unbelievably expensive. Oh, well.

Finally it was off to the church, where I sat in my car in the rain waiting for rehearsal to start. Katrina came and sat with me for a while, and we listened to ARoBttH. Then Katrina's mom came and they went to get food, and I drove to McDonald's for a Filet o' Fish. (Side note: Is the "o'" some sort of reference to the Irish, and if so, what does it have to do with fish? And why is there a reference to the Irish at a restaurant with a Scottish name? If I were Irish--would that it were so-- and my last name was O'fish, I'd name my kid Filly.) Anyway. Then I came back and went to rehearsal, which was total chaos but tons of fun. A highlight from the day... Sam: "Yes, we must go to see Jesus in Galilee." Matt: (ad libbing) "Did you get the tickets?"

After that, it was off to Matt's surprise birthday party. Matt and his family live a little ways out of town, amongst the green rolling hills and cow-dotted fields. So I was driving along to the sounds of Coldplay, enjoying the beauty of the landscape, and I looked in my rearview mirror in time to see Amy and Matt in Amy's car behind me. Oh crap, I thought, he'll recognize my car. I should have kept driving past their driveway and then doubled back so as not to ruin the element of surprise... but instead, I waved. Stupid, yes. Funny, too. The element of surprise wasn't ruined too much in advance-- before long we reached their house, and everyone else's cars were in the driveway.

The party was fun. I got to play with the Whites' amazing collection of Legos. (They had a Lego elephant. An elephant! And not just one, but two! I was in heaven!) Then we watched an episode of the original Star Trek series on cable, and it happened to be the episode that had the first ever interracial kiss on TV. Wow. That was something.

Anyway. I came home, did quiz, sat around, listened to Coldplay, and went to bed. And that was Sunday.


posted by Hannah at 10:32 AM


|Your guess is as good as mine...|

Current Music: God Put a Smile Upon Your Face, Coldplay (stuck in my head)

Current Thought: Gah... I have to go to work tomorrow.

Well, it looks as though Sam finally caved and got a weblog. Good for him. Everybody go read it!

So it's been a pretty good week. Saturday was a quiz tournament in St. Louis, and Tsunami did all right... The trip up and back was fun. I listened to Coldplay's A Rush of Blood to the Head the entire time. Yes, I still love that CD. In fact, I finally bought it today with some money my grandparents spontaneously gave me. Hooray! It's mine, all mine... my precioussssss...

In other news, the Pirates of the Caribbean trailer is up. Huzzah! That movie's gonna suck, but it will be so funny... and of course, there's Orlando to balance out the suckiness. :^D

Anyway. That's it for me tonight... Fare thee well, and namar.

posted by Hannah at 10:11 PM