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|Wow, that kinda sorta maybe almost makes up for it.|

Current Music: Umm... various snippets of different stuff that pops into my head and then disappears almost instantly.

Current Thought: I'm still gonna kill Sam.

So early this morning I started having a really really good dream. I mean really good. You know why?

Joaquin Phoenix was in it.

That's right. So yes, I'm happy. And it wasn't just that he was in it-- the dream itself was really cool. All ethereal and, well, dreamy. Like a Francesca Lia Block novel. I remember very little of it now, but it was quite beautiful.

And it's not the first Joaquin dream I've had this week... It's quite odd. I think he might be a metaphor for someone else. But I'm not complaining-- I'm just enjoying it while it happens.

Anyway. Come tomorrow, we'll know how Operation Kill Sam went. I'll keep you posted. Namar.

posted by Hannah at 1:44 PM


|That little dork.|

Current Music: Carnival, by Natalie Merchant (stuck in my head from trying to learn the solo)

Current Thought: He may not be dead yet, but I'm gonna kill him.

Well, after seeing this, I think my lifespan has lost a few years. (Those probably aren't the only years that Sam has taken off my life... but it's certainly the most at one time.) So anyway, yes. Sam will officially die now. I will kill him for giving me such a scare.

By the way, happy April Fool's Day, everyone.

Okay, so yeah. Time to update you all on the exciting developments in my life. This last weekend was Bible Quiz Regionals in St. Joseph, and Tsunami did a phenomenal job. We won every quiz, and at one on Friday night we broke 800 points. It was nifty. We took 1st place over all, and all placed very high individually. Nevermind that I had a cold the whole time (and still do). It was awesome.

So then I got home and my cousin, who is a manager a local grocery-type corporation, called to inform me that said corporation is going to hire college students for the summer months to do fill-in work for the folks on vacation. It's gonna be about 37 hours a week, plus overtime. And they pay $10 an hour. So that's nifty. I've got an application ready to go, and I'll be taking that over this weekend.

Anyway. The rest of my time recently has been spent on homework and guitar, trying to figure out the solo in Natalie Merchant's Carnival. I'm gonna master that song if it kills me... and it probably will. (Grey hairs from Sam acting like he's dead; grey hairs from guitar... pretty soon I'll have ulcers and crap like that.)

And that's about it for now... Mom just got home, so I'm off to deliver my application and spend the rest of the evening working with Michael on his next web project. Fare thee well, and Namarie.

posted by Hannah at 5:42 PM